Asking for input - New Header and Menu concept

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Thinking of doing something like the attached.

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updated by @claygordon: 02/21/15 05:22:20PM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
I like that style of layout. Its very similar to the Slate skins one.
 •  68KB

updated by @michael: 01/17/15 12:20:17AM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Most of the code for this in the Slate skin is in header.tpl and desktop_header_menu.tpl, correct? Always helpful - for me - to fork an existing working codebase.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Input (since you asked):
1) I wound up making profile member names NOT in BOLD- as it gives a less heavy aggressive look...see my screenshot for an example. Especially since you have a nice graceful site title font- the member name looks a bit heavy and clumsy in comparison.
2) Personally, i find black with white to be hard on the eyes. And I associate dead black backgrounds with goth/metal type sites. I'm thinking... wouldn't it make sense for your chocolate site to use a yummy dark brown instead of BLACK for the background blocks of color everywhere? And maybe varying shades of cream replacing any stark white backgrounds and font colors? Personally i'd envision your banner too in a very dark brown with a rich cream for your site title script...then those colors reversed for the tabs...and a milk chocolate and a nice clear sky blue for touches elsewhere on the site.

ok just my own taste. I cant wait for your site to go live, Clay- I feel like joining it and ordering some Hug Mugs somehow...!
gillespie.jpg  •  53KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/17/15 12:27:39PM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

A number of very good points.

I will probably tone-up the black and tone down the logo color and member name color as the contrast is high and don't really fit the theme of the site. TBH, I just moved bits around from a screenshot - worried more about overall organization than colors at this moment.

However, when it comes to readability of text on a screen, few things are better than black on white, though that white may be a very light ivory. In chocolate terms, somewhere between the color of cocoa butter and white chocolate. Menu hover and selected states will be the inverse of the default.
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Most menus on jamroom are nested un-ordered lists with some CSS applied.

If your wanting to build it yourself, use that structure. The jrMenu module in Site Builder will give you that menu if you turned Site Builder on. That decision depends on if you want to work more with code or drag-n-drop.

To add the jrMenu to an existing skin, see the Slate header.tpl file. Its this code:
{jrMenu_display active=$menu_url}

Here are the docs on making a skin Site Builder ready:

"Making a skin Site Builder Ready"

Its basically that line of code above for the menu, then one other for the body.
updated by @michael: 01/20/15 12:43:24AM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@Michael -

This is on my list to start to work on in the next week or so.

I am most interested in seeing if I can get this to work using SiteBuilder on my clone of the jrNingja skin. I will also need to copy the CSS from the profile menus. Question -- how will that interfere with the drop down (hover) sub-menus?
