Brian -
The sample size of emigrants right now is small so there are going to be biases. There are something like 9000 images on TheChocolateLife and close to 400 albums (galleries). My community uses them. The default is to show grids of images and then to arrange them into albums.
I think one of the reasons more people did not use the Albums is that the drag and drop to rearrange functionality really sucked and there was no decent way to create and manage galleries with more than about 16-20 images (one page's worth). If the Album functionality was actually decent more people would have used it, I firmly believe.
I managed to do it by appending "All" to the images:### button. It's a hack, I know - but it works for me.
One reason I want to encourage it, especially with the Lightbox function in JR, is that it's easier to create photo-heavy travel blogs as a Gallery than it is to embed a whole bunch of images in a blog post. In fact, I am not exactly sure how I would upload more than one image in a blog post using the version of the TinyMCE editor that's used. There is no inline upload image command.
I suppose I could add src as allowed HTML and that would enable people to embed images they'd uploaded to a gallery ...
Unless there is something I am missing about enabling inline image embedding in blog posts.
I just checked and all the images embedded in blog posts are served from Ning. Now that's going to be a lot of work to fix if it's at all possible.
updated by @claygordon: 01/16/15 02:53:53PM