You have no idea how happy you all have made me. I know just enough code to do the basics I think. As long as I have a support system here to guide me on specifics, I will be fine I think. And I am willing to hire help if need be...
So I think the biggest thing I am confused about is hosting. Do I have to have my own server?
And here is my list of requirements. I am only listing this to see if there is anything you do NOT cover...
Current Ning site
We are a community helping each other via forums. We are also a marketing/selling site. BUT we are not a "real" selling site in that we do not have the ability to sell directly from it.
"Must haves"
1 - Multiple admin
2 - Member categories - we have free membership and paid, I need to have a system to distinguish the two.
3 - Member profile pages featuring their pictures and giving them a place to share a bio and social networking links.
4 - Multiple Forums with social sharing and privacy settings and member controls Ex of just one forum
5 - Photo gallery - we "sell" vintage items on our site. Members belong to other selling venues like Ebay and Etsy and post a picture of their item and then add a link. We also use pay pal code if a member wants to sell DIRECTLY from our site, but a real shopping cart would be a dream come true for each seller.
If possible... the ability to have albums and the ability to delete all pictures at once per member.
6 - Activity feed with social sharing options
7 - chat room
8 Internal search system big big big deal here, so that folks can search for things to buy...
9 - Groups
10 - Three column layout with a header and menu including the option for Modules for me to add html code for ad buttons and other content like on our main page.
That is all I can think of right now. I want to keep as much of the look and the set up as possible.
Is this list doable?