There normally a "capitalize" text transformation on the menu items (in .profile_menu_entry class in profile.css). However, this means that YouTube is rendered as Youtube, which really bothers me.
As you can see in the screenshot I have set the transformation to "none" and everything except Timeline is all lowercase.
Now I want to go in and manually edit the labels that appear here.
I hope that someone will tell me that they are in a Language file somewhere. They are not in the Language file for the skin, and they are not in the language file for the User Profiles module, which (to me with my still limited understanding of things) is where I would expect them to be. They are not in the main (system core) language file, either.
From looking at the code in profile_menu.tpl ...
I see that the menu is built dynamically by querying for modules that are set to "active" ... but where is it pulling the menu name, which I am guessing is {$entry.label}?
Taking a look ... they don't look to be taken from module's URL as timeline is in all lower case
updated by @claygordon: 02/19/15 05:06:00AM