Where are you seeing this 'latest posts' link that is showing group posts instead of forum posts?
Right on my own profile page- see screenshot. All those posts inthe Latest Posts module are posts I made in GROUP Discussions...not in Forum discussions.
Quote: Showing forum topics that a profile has created should by just a case of adding a search parameter to the jrCore_list call in the template.
Where do you want this to happen?
I want it to be in a TAB on everyone's Profile page. This relates to the unsolved thread I have not come back to yet:
Currently, I have a TAB on my profile page called "Discussions"...but it's empty. I am gathering...?... that it means I can start a whole forum on my OWN profile page...?
--I don't want anyone on my site having or starting their own profile page forum(s). Only a single site-wide Forum area with categories. (as I was explaining rather poorly to Brian in that other thread)
--I would like the "Discussions" TAB on all Profile pages on my site to show the latest discussions STARTED/CREATED by that member in the FORUM section of the site. (not Group discussion posts)
-- and I would like the "Latest Posts" MODULE on every profile page to say "Latest Forum Posts" and show that member's latest FORUM discussion posts, not their latest Group discussion posts. (similar to what was changed on the index/home page recently)
Currently, one can see the member's latest GROUP discussion posts pop up on their profile page's Timeline/Latest Activity module on their profile page, AND on the site's main index page timeline. That's enough for me.
I hope i have explained this so it's readable.

As I have things on my site right now, it's very confusing to me and will be twice as confusing to my thousands of members, so I really must change quite a few of these things that seem so confusing to people coming from years of Ning. My goal is not to 're-create' a ning site, but on the other hand I can't have so many things navigating to something other than what members would expect.
I apologize that my skills are not up to what I'm trying to do and understand at this point. I'm learning every day...but not quite fast enough! Months from now Im sure this tweaking/changing will all be second nature to me. I can do things now on my site that I wouldn't have dreamed of doing a month ago.
Thanks so much for any help or suggestions.
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 01/14/15 12:10:53PM