I am struggling with getting the text formatting for the various panels on the home page to match more closely. My challenge is finding where the CSS is for each.
I am looking to change the line-height of the text in the Forum posts section (top left). The spacing needs to be a little looser. I can see where to change the size of the font (.normal in text.css) but if I try to add a line-height to that css rule it doesn't do anything (and there's no setting I can find in the ACP).
Similarly, I want to tighten up the spacing in the Activity feed. Where is the CSS for this? If it's in the ACP I can't find it. I am happy to work directly in the CSS files but it's not obvious to me where the classes are.
There are two different image sizes and three different text formats for Latest Profiles, Top Groups, and Upcoming events. I would like there to be one image size and the text formatting needs to be consistent.
Same for the Blog. The text is too large and I want to take everything down a size.
But it's not obvious where to make the changes.
Any help would be appreciated, I want to get this up and live ASAP and these are some of the issues that are keeping me from doing it.
updated by @claygordon: 02/15/15 01:03:29PM