nings system was stupid everytime u added a photo comment with the same photo it was saved in its own space as a seoperate photo this included all the 'default' profile photos even though they were the same they were all treated as diferent photos , needing to be downloaded and cached seperately
since jr uses the image suport that lets u pick a photo out of datastore and re-use the same photos
it would be a huge space saver if something was writen that would compare all photos with the same names and sizes comparing the checksums if they indeed are identical files keep only 1 single copy and re-write all references to that file to point to that 1 file
this at least inthe members section would reduce the overall size to about 1/10th or so
but i believe profile photos in every section are stored as seperate files
so if thats the case the overall space saved could be dramatic
file this as a future request
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 03/05/15 03:04:15AM