completed What happens when removing a member in JR?

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
In Ning, I had the options to:

a) remove a member and retain content, optionally give a reason for removing member. In this case there was a link which would enable me to "restore" the user account at some future date. The email address was blocked so no new account could be created at that email address.

b) remove a member and delete all content. and optionally give a reason. In this case there was no link to restore the account and the email address was blocked.

b2) I could remove a member using the Spam shortcut. The member account was removed, all content was removed, the reason was set to spam, and the email was blocked.

What are the options in Jamroom?

How are things handled when the account owner wants to (or needs to) be removed and there is more than one profile attached to the account?

What happens when a member decides to leave? In Ning, they are given the option to remove all their content. This has happened to me once and it was the biggest act of vandalism my site has ever seen. Not only was the useful content posted by the user gone but all of the comments contributed by other users gone as well. Obviously I'd like to be able to prevent something like this from happening again and I think there is a compromise position that can be reached.

:: Clay
updated by @claygordon: 02/12/15 07:09:30PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
In Jamroom if you delete a member, the member content is deleted - it is not archive or saved.

If you need to "save" the data (for potential restore), then instead of deleting them you would move them to a "hidden" Quota that had all the quota access turned off - that basically "hides" their data on the site.

If you want to remove the user account but leave the data you can click on "Delete" from the User Browser and that will just delete the user account associated with the profile, and leave the profile (which contains the data).

If you wanted to delete the user AND prevent them from creating a new account you could either just change their password (easiest) and NOT delete the account OR you could add the email address as a Banned Item in the Banned Items module.

With those choices you should be able to take care of it any way you would like. The only thing we don't have is some type of notification for deleted accounts (there is for PENDING accounts that are rejected).

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@Brian -

All good. Though it seems like I will need to keep a list around so I can keep track of these. I am already keeping a spreadsheet of where I make changes to templates, CSS, and the like, so adding a sheet to that workbook to keep track is doable. In fact, I am doing that now and adding the options to the top of the page.
