But before I say anything else I have to say thank you to Paul and team for working on this and making huge strides in functionality and usability in such a short period of time. I know that if I had gone to Ning with the same kinds of issues that it would be months, if ever, before anything were done.
With the updates to jrGallery yesterday, I have been able to create new galleries (on the image update form) and move images into them. By selecting "group by gallery" in quota config all of the imported images are in one gallery which has, by default, the member name - and new galleries appear above based on last updated (sort asc).
That said ...
1) One thing I have noticed on the image update form is that the phrase displayed below the image is not visible anywhere on the update form. If it's the image title then the title field in the update form is not being populated. I have been adding titles and am happy to note that both the description of the image and any comments are on the image page. I have replied to at least one of those comments so I am happy to report that that works as expected.
2) There is still the fact that Gallery in the menu ribbon and Images:### in stats go to the same place - so we still have two different words that mean the same thing. What I think the correct behavior to be is that the Images:### link should go to:
2a) What's confusing here (and you can see it in the URL above and in the breadcrumb is that my membername appears twice and it's not clear why. The form of the URL that makes more sense (to me, anyway) is:
Note that the URL is tidy when looking at one of my new galleries:
3) Search within my gallery
The names of images contain clues on how they were organized on my Ning site. However, I can't search within my gallery. I can search within the collection of all images, but that's comparatively inefficient. So, having a search capability within my gallery - if only on the main gallery page - would be very helpful organizing the images into libraries.
These are some of the mechanics of the new gallery format that should be looked at but - at least for me - they are not deal breakers keeping me from going live. I told my members that there would be some rough edges.
And - I have to say after just trying it out for the first time - the gallery re-arrange image order function in Jamroom is so far superior to Ning's that they are not even in the same universe. I used to dread using the Album function in Ning and made sure that no album contained more than the number of images that could be displayed in the first page (either 16 or 20) as it was impractical to the point of impossibility to move images from one page to another.
:: Clay
updated by @claygordon: 02/14/15 12:23:07PM