solved Sending the New Passwords Ning Members

10 years ago
92 posts
I'm attempting to send the email from Ning Import -> Tools -> Send Passwords and after I click send, it's saying "0 emails have been sent".

What I'm I doing wrong?
updated by @andyf: 03/01/15 12:51:13PM
10 years ago
2,803 posts
Have you changed your email settings in your ACP > Communication > Email Support. Make sure your active email system is set to Local Server SMTP.

Hope this helps! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
4,335 posts
I'm attempting to send the email from Ning Import -> Tools -> Send Passwords and after I click send, it's saying "0 emails have been sent".

What I'm I doing wrong?

In the jrNingImport config, is 'New Profile Quota' still set to the same quota that profiles where imported to?
The email script uses that so as to only send passwords to imported users.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
92 posts
I think that's it @paul. In the Ning Import -> Global Config the New Profile Quota was set at "Do not import". I changed it to the quota where I want all new sign-ups to land into (quota called "Members") and resent & it worked this time.

There is a problem for me though. I've already gone through and changed quotas for the members (I have "Members" & "Premium Members" as my two quotas). After sending emails, it looked as though I was about 50 emails short going out (about exactly my # of "Premium Members").


If I set the New Profile Quota at "Premium Members" will it mess anything up with sign-ups or just allow the 50 remaining emails to go out and all those guys to be "Premium Members"?
10 years ago
92 posts
I was impatient and went ahead with it: I set the New Profile Quota at "Premium Members" and resent the email. 49 emails sent. I'm guessing everything is good!
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: If I set the New Profile Quota at "Premium Members" will it mess anything up with sign-ups or just allow the 50 remaining emails to go out and all those guys to be "Premium Members"?

Doing that should be ok to send the last 50 out.

That's actually a 'gotchya' that I didn't think of. I'll flag it in the module's docs. as advice for others.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
