solved No Search or Past Events showing on Events page.

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
This was talked about in another thread somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

Apparently, according to (if memory serves) Michael, an improved Events page for Ningja was finished about 2 or 3 updates ago.

What I'm wondering, is why hasn't it been released? Was it overlooked or forgotten about somehow, or is it being held-up by something?

An event specific search, and past events by subtabs would be welcome improvements.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/24/15 05:25:09AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This was talked about in another thread somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

Apparently, according to (if memory serves) Michael, an improved Events page for Ningja was finished about 2 or 3 updates ago.

What I'm wondering, is why hasn't it been released? Was it overlooked or forgotten about somehow, or is it being with held-up by something?

An event specific search, and past events by subtabs would be welcome improvements.

The NingJa skin does not override any Event template, so this would be an update to the Event module - not NingJa. I will try to see where it stands.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Cool - thanks Brian...


Ken Rich
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes i was wondering the other day why i still wasn't able to see any past events- it had been discussed as getting added in.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Are these event lists in your skin or on the profile?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
The best way to show you is I have Events at two locations, one Ningja and one NingNova.

As you can see, I have a ton of past events showing in NingNova and listed on various subtabs:

In Ningja I have zero past events showing, no subtabs, and no search capability:

I've been waiting on a good events page before inviting my German friend over (a Ning Creator) to check out Jamroom. Events is a big issue for him.

He's pretty smart with the Javacript and stuff, and would be a nice addition to the "family" over here. However, Events will be a deal breaker for him, unless it's enhanced. It's something he has been after Ning to get their act together on.


Ken Rich
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@indiegospel -

Have you modified your Event page to display the URL that was in the Ning events listing? I don't see it on the page and I think it would be useful. A code snippet would be helpful.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
@indiegospel -

Have you modified your Event page to display the URL that was in the Ning events listing? I don't see it on the page and I think it would be useful. A code snippet would be helpful.

Howdy - thanks for your input. I'm not quite sure I'm "getting" that question.

If you look here all of the "migrated from Ning" events are present at their new URL's. So why would I want to display a list of old Ning URL's, that are now "dead links".

Can you elaborate a little, because either I'm not understanding correctly (very likely), or what you are saying makes no sense. At least not to the way I understand events to be now stored in my server account with the Jamroom CMS (not Ning).


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 01/07/15 12:47:36PM
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
In the old Ning events listing the create event form asked you to (optionally) enter a URL for the event. This could be a link to the organizer, ticketing agency, venue, or whatever.

That's what I want to appear in my events listing.

Actually - taking a look at the Events datastore, there are TWO fields in the db for URLs.

They are:


I have no idea why there are two but I can think of uses for them both.

But there are two issues that I can see.

First is to add these two fields to the Create and Update Event forms. This COULD be done using the form designer but I have no idea how to link the fields in the form designer with with the existing database fields.

Second is to modify the template to display these fields if they are non-empty.

This is probably an update to the Events module because of the first point.

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
But there are two issues that I can see.

First is to add these two fields to the Create and Update Event forms. This COULD be done using the form designer but I have no idea how to link the fields in the form designer with with the existing database fields.

Second is to modify the template to display these fields if they are non-empty.

This is probably an update to the Events module because of the first point.


I think I'm getting you now, and this issue you describe is similar to a process I just went though elsewhere.

Basically, a form field allows the data to be inputted, you check for it with {debug}, and if it is available you put a piece of code to receive it in the appropriate template.

Not a big deal when you know how, but I struggled (I'm not a programmer) through the learning curve on that. Glad I did though, because it's empowering to get a few of these little tricks in your tool belt.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
4,335 posts
I think 'event_url' should be 'event_title_url' and that is a url version of the event_title tagged onto the end of the event page url to make it 'search engine friendly' and is generated by Jamroom.

'event_website' is a field imported from Ning. To get access to it on the event create/update forms use the form designer from those forms and create an 'event_website' text field with its validation set to URL.

To then show that on the events page, open the event module's template editor and edit the item_detail.tpl file. Enter something like this where you want it to show -

Website: <a href="{$item.event_website}">{$item.event_website}</a><br>

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
To generalize - in the form designer I just make sure to use the correct name of a field in that module's datastore?

Taking a look at the Events form designer, I have to say that I am the one who added the event_url into the database as event_website is not a default option (though it probably should be at some point).

I will delete the unneeded field.

But I did get it to work!
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Yeah - If any fields are already on the datastore, from the import, say, creating a form designer item of the same name will pick it up.

Glad you got it working.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist