Membership segmentation - feature request?

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
Not groups and not quotas. Another form of membership segmentation.

I am looking through my profile and I don't see any of the location information that I entered into my profile.

What I am really looking for is the member's country of residence so that I can target emails to, say, just members in the UK.

The next level up from that would be the ability to group countries together - the EU, Oceania, Africa, etc. and target emails to those people.

If people don't enter them in manually (or wrong - I can't tell you how many members actually in the US say they from the US Minor Outlying Territories because they picked the wrong country from the list) it should be doable to get decent location data from an IP lookup.

I don't need a great deal of granularity or precision - just the right country.

Being able to target emails that way would be way cool.
updated by @claygordon: 02/12/15 09:22:11AM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
How about the "Geo Location" module?

Its installable via the marketplace and will add that info to your user datastore so you can use it for whatever you need:

"Geo Location"

actually, I'm not sure it does save to the datastore. If you needed that it could be added as an option.
updated by @michael: 01/06/15 09:36:41PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This is actually on my "super long" todo list that I maintain in Evernote - our Jamroom 4 Newsletter setup had the ability to set conditions/rules for targeting specific profiles, so that functionality IS coming to the newsletter module in the future.

I'll open a feature request ticket on it as one of our teams' new years resolutions is to use the Issue tracker here more "publicly".

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@Michael -

As I say, it's a feature request.

What I want to do is associate a country with each user, and then for the jrNewsletter module to allow me to target emails by country, and, ideally, to associate countries with regions. I do a lot of traveling so I don't want my "home" country to be updated each time I log when I am traveling outside the US.

I am happy with asking members to update this manually, though one part of my question is whether this was in the Ning member archive export. I can imagine them "forgetting" it.

Because jrNewsletter needs to interact with the db to figure out who to send to, this is not something that should be done on an ad-hoc basis by me (even if I knew where to begin to implement it).
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Archived Ning member location information does get imported and is on the DataStore. Its just that the Ningja skin isn't using it atm (I feel a new feature request on the horizon ;-) )

Ning 'location' is available as 'profile_location'
Ning 'country' is available as 'profile_country'
Ning 'zip' is available as 'profile_zip'

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
@Paul -

Yes, please. But not today or this week. I need to get a handle on images and why my cloned skin is not working properly.

I want to display the profile_location (which could include city/state) and profile_country on the member's profile -- between the profile name and online status. If there's a space issue, just the country is okay.

New member sign up should include asking for this information and stuffing it into those fields if it's not already captured or usable or whatever.

Then, the jrNewsletter module wants to be able to access those fields. It should be pretty easy to find a table of regions that countries are assigned to so that jrNewsletter can use that.
updated by @claygordon: 01/07/15 07:16:00AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
It should be pretty easy to find a table of regions that countries are assigned to so that jrNewsletter can use that.

What you would want to do here is maybe use the Chained Select module to setup the locations - that will get a location like:

United States - Washington - Seattle

That way when you're in the newsletter manager you can target profiles with a profile_location LIKE %Seattle.

I'm not planning on making any type of "table lookups" or anything like that, as that would limit the choices to what the module maintains.

If you needed some way to do a lookup to get a "region" by location, then that would be a custom module.

Just want to be sure you know what we're looking at adding to the newsletter module so there are no surprises.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
4,335 posts
The ChainedSelect module does include loadable options of Country/State/City for USA, South America, EU and Australia and New Zealand.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
