In the topmost screenshot, there are three ways to view images.
The first is to click on Images in the top nav. This displays images in reverse chron order based on either _created or _updated.
In the module ribbon Gallery takes you to the profile's Image Gallery.
In the Stats area, Images: XXX takes you to the profile's Image Gallery.
I think this is wrong - it should take the person to a list of images similar to the one displayed when clicking Images from the top nav. It's also confusing because Gallery and Images are conflated to mean the same thing when the word Images is already used on the page to mean something else.
So I click on either one and it takes me to the same page (second screen shot):
Why are only two galleries displayed? As you can see from the next screen shot, there are LOTS of galleries! (Right, there is a config variable set somewhere at 2. But where is it?)
Looking more closely ...
Look at the order of the images in the second gallery in my profile page (the third screen shot). Now I look at the gallery (fourth screen shot). The ribbon of preview images on the gallery page is different from the images displayed on my profile page. ??
Finally - despite being shown two galleries on my profile page and probably 354 galleries (the number of images I have uploaded) on the photo edit page, it looks like 353 images (bottom screen shot) have been put into one gallery. Maybe.
At this point - for me and all of my members, I am happy just to delete all existing galleries and put every member's photos into a default gallery as long as I don't lose titles and captions (and comments if there are any).
That is, unless, there is a fix to get all of the images into the correct albums/galleries and assign all images not already explicitly assigned to galleries to a gallery named " Loose Images ".
Looking at my Ning site, I created 31 albums -- but not all images are in albums (defined as curated collections of two or more images). Across my entire membership, there are 391 albums comprised of over 9000 images.
updated by @claygordon: 02/07/15 09:03:02AM