im building a new site not a ning transfer but would like to use the ning like groups
but with an improvement
the reason being..while helping a freind out (abuse) an inspiration hit and a domain was bought.. 1 i couldnt believe was available and/or not for sale for at least 50,000
long story short (and it could be long and i know how u hate them...stevex
a domain became way way more in 48 hours..became a movement
lets just say theres a potential for millions in grants
i already got 160 acres of land
dozens of houses
and massive enthusiasm thats making it look like this could be absolutely explosive
so im looking for just the right platform to build it on
the more i thought about it the more i thought jr just might be it but .. group categories would be a must as groups would be a really central feature
honnestly not sure why i considered other platforms 1st but then again its an idea thats grown drasticly in just hours and as it took shape i realized that jr would be amazing if only the groups did offer catagories to discussions
though with the massive momentum building i do need to get a live site up in ..well i'm aiming for 48 hours ifi get to sleep in the next 5 minutes
ps, if the land pans out your all invited to come by.. surrounded by national forrest i believe
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 02/11/15 04:53:49PM