sorry to lump this all into 1 post
1st off search results
searching my site for "dreaducation" the results just suck and heres why
1st theres a blog with that in the name.. wich is just fine but them theres 4 forum posts visible all completely irrelevant
then at top "search within these results" wich isnt real obvious and easy to see
but then when you search within them you get 20 irrelevent results and then the very last 1 is the 1 your looking for
the 1 single most important.,. and linked to discussion
the 1 mentioned in 1/2 the new members comments when they join and linked to over and over and over again as reference
now lets look at that discussion
yes i know the 1st post is long (was longer this is the edited version)
but then its had like 1000 or more replies... and no pagination
it just scrolls and scrolls and scrolls before you get to a leave comment form
in addition there's no "share this"
i know we had a disagreement about the importance of disqus commenting and ratings on forums
but share this... should be on everything.. every page profile the front page
everything except login pages
but revisiting the sharethis disqus and ratings on forums
im not finding the smarty codes to include them
i assume they would go in forums_items_details?
do all jr forums go on and on and on with no pagination
or has forums in jr always been more of a support feature therefore expected to get only s few replies then marked solved and closed
cause we are used to discussions often going on for years growing long
and although discussions could be considered "solved" with the very 1st reply we still encourage multiple opinions and experiences
and often the solution brings up more questions from someone else months later
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 02/14/15 07:49:06AM