Take a look at the two skin 'header_menu_*.tpl' template files for how to build menu items.
To change the menu text strings, use the appropriate module language editors in the ACP
Paul - I can insert an Events menu using the following code, using the examples found in the header_menu_desktop.tpl file
{* Add additional menu categories here *}
This is the best compromise WRT location I can find. This inserts the Events link after ACP (as I am logged in as admin). If the user is not logged in, or is logged in as a member of the regular member group, then the ACP link does not appear and so the Events link appears immediately after Pages.
I can deal with this as admin, but what if I wanted the link to appear between Videos and Profiles? Much of the code in the template uses if_logged_in and sub-tests so it's not immediately apparent - to me - where I would do this.
On a related note, how would I go about adding a link to MY profile (i.e., the currently logged-in member) as a sub-item to the Profiles link - the same way there are sub-menus under Videos for Vimeo and YouTube? There was an editor for adding sub-items to menus - called Tabs in Ning. Again, I am happy to do the work, I just need to know where to find the code.
I think the shortcut link to MY profile (for the currently logged-in member) is something every user of Ningja would appreciate - I know my members did
updated by @claygordon: 01/03/15 08:28:56AM