Again -
I am new to JR and I am still getting used to where things are located.
DIGRESSION. For example, I wanted to change the order that Groups were displayed when someone clicked on Groups in the top Nav. I was able to change the display and size of the images by editing jrGallery_index.tpl in Ningja/Skins. However, the change the display order of the Groups, there's no corresponding Skins template. I had to experiment until I found the right one - Modules > Profile Groups > Group Support > index.tpl.
In the top screenshot, you'll see that the Latest Discussion is from 11 months ago (_created) and has zero comments. I'd like it to be the most recently updated (_updated) and be preceded by the string "updated ". I feel confident I can do this using what I learned reading the jrCore_List documentation and the notes on how to trunc the length of a title in an image gallery. But where is the template? (ON A RELATED NOTE: I want to get rid of the latest music panel.)
In the bottom screenshot you will notice that the list of Groups is displayed. I got here not by clicking Groups from the list of modules, but by clicking "All" next to "Latest Discussions" the URL displayed on the mouseover is, in fact. groups.
My expectation for what **should happen** is that it would show discussions I have created or contributed to, and the display would be ordered to show the most recent at the top.
updated by @claygordon: 02/17/15 03:29:02PM