solved Limit quotas to select from on create account

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
11 years ago
744 posts
When I click on Create Account a user asking to sign up is given the choice of selecting from the available quotas including the admin quota.

Is there any way to hide quotas that you don't want people to see and choose from?
 •  169KB

updated by @claygordon: 02/16/15 01:27:37AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
When I click on Create Account a user asking to sign up is given the choice of selecting from the available quotas including the admin quota.

Is there any way to hide quotas that you don't want people to see and choose from?

Yes - make sure in the ACP -> User Accounts -> Quota Config that only the quotas you want users to be able to signup to have the "Allow Signups" checked.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
11 years ago
744 posts
Still learning my way around the basis.

The modularity/consistency makes a whole lot of sense but it takes a while to cotton to.
