i ran the performance test
it suggests a 2 core 2.8 ghz 2 gig vps with ssd drives
i have an 8 core 3.8ghz 8 gig dedicated server with sataII drives
the only diference isthe drives and it rates a 40 out of 1000 and says it will run very slowly
the host offers a maximim of 600 gigs in a ssd drive at a 125 additional cost if i upgraded to 2 ssd drives it would double my cost to over 500 a month for the server
i live on 700 a month
so how accurate is this could it really be the ssd drives making that big a difference
i did see slow connect and wait times in the pingdom tools tests
but youd think with the cpu and ram being 4 times the recomended it would rate better then 40 out of 1000
ps during the import im using over 660 gigs 73% of a 1tb drive
once live ill be using less...temporarily
and if things take off it wont be long till i need a tb
i looked at the jr recomended servers
they wanted 4 times as much money for 1/2 the power
besides the drives what else can i tweak to get better performance
would upgrading mysql from 5.5 to 5.6 help
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 02/04/15 12:34:58PM