its a short list and getting shorter all the time
1 module search only works inside the module page itself and not on custom module lists
and not on seemless lists..i am looking into a 3rd party search option that wont break my site...and wont cost over a thousand dollars a month
2 photo titles still need to be straightened out.. closer but not there yet
3 was the group profile header... wich i fixed myself and posted a tip but .,.i and i know strum at least believe this should be the default and i think alot of other ning users may agree...moot ppint since i fixed mine but worth mentioning
i think that maybe it besides a few things i need to work out and fix myself
there are other imperfections still like the code window in the sitebuilder not accepting code at all (but its redundant since source code does the same thing..minus the code validation and line numbering)
(the validation is the problem as anything you matter what it is is marked invalid)
the search issues really the biggest issue
the photo issue important too but should be an easy fix
@paul if you want to discuss this i can explain exactly what needs changing.. but i also posted a add photo vs add gallery post that explains it as well as another fairly important recomendation
however the search in custom lists is by far the biggest thing holding me back
oh and forgot that i still dont see digital stufff like music in my for sale shops site lists
i might add a if price > 0 type thing into a template and try seemless for all digital modules with a setable price
but i imagine each has its own like audio_price
if there was a core defined _price that would work well...but im off track now
search and photo soon as i find a fix for them and do a couple minor page improvements im good to go live
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM