well thats the thing my disability makes for alot more typods as i only have 1 finger to type with and a very fast mind that my finger cant keep up with
so before that i didnt typo as much
plus... i sleep so lil and have a thyroid issue (mostly better now so my brain doesnt feel like jello sloshing around inside my skull anymore)
so running onempty with a soggy brain doesnt help
plus i spend sooooooooooooooooo muchtyme helping people online that my last keyboard had exactly 6 keys that u could tell what letters they were
this 1 only has 5 blank keys..but its also a 1/2 sized keyboard wich doesnt help (i will never use a smart phone those things are so dumb i can never get them to do anything i want them to do cause always hit something i shouldnt)
youd be amazedat how fast i can type though with 1 finger blurry eyes and so tired the keys are mocving around while i try to click them
believe me before i started letting myself sleep at sunrise id be up 4 days straight and then my typing was so bad..and i babbled so incoherently that i often cracked up just trying to figure out what i just said
havent been that bad in yearstho...not often anyway
only when dealling with a life and death situation and pushing myself way past my limits to save someones life..
oh..and the agony..tendonitis..corporal tuunnel and now a torn rotator cuff
all because ppl kee;p me so busy and i work so many hours
i push myself way beyond my limits
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM