i was going through softliscious on my server (for those who dont know its a 1 click installer for hundreds of scrips and site builders)
1st i saw noahs classifieds wich was a total nightmare and a scam ..they literaly ripped me off to the point i had to create noahsclassifiedsscam.com or was it 1 s i forget
they had 38 5 stars that all looked like the same guy posting the same thing... and 35 1 stars saying they were horible
then found jamroom wich had all 5 stars except 1 4 and only 1 1 so i gave you a 5 stars but also wrote you out a great review .. a much better written 1 then the "it was easy" and "best cms i ever used wish i found it years ago) type i saw there.. i gave ya a much more detailed review that was a polar oposite of the review i gave noahs classifieds
(you know after months of trying to get it to work and getting nothing but sales pitchesfrom the only guy in the company..la salesman not a coder.. i joined the vip support group.. at 99 dollars a month and sawnothing but 6 months of posts saying "whhy isnt anyone answering us" all with the same disasterouse problems that made it unusable
(they dared to quote 1 guy '$44,000" to set it up right for him so it worked
in the vip i was secretly refered to another site aparently there was 1 guy in vip that was trying to fix it released his own database fixes and otrther fixes to make it work.. the owner then stole his code banned him from the forum added his code to the system without knowing what he was doing...wich screwedit up even worse
and .. refused to give refunds after u wasted 6 months and several hundred diollars on a script thst never worked
but you guys are the absolute opposite you are the besrt there is and really work hard to put out the best product outr there
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM