ofcourse theres still several things from my end i need to work out before i can move and thats easily going to take a couple more weeks if i get lucky and not have too much troyuble
but theres a couple things that to me seem high priority to be ready from your end
the biggest of wich is groups and i have some suggestions wiithin the groups feature all the "porofile" parts should be hidden the sidebar the profile menu everything up to the header and if the profile uses a custom logo in profile tweaks that should revert to the site default (i suppose there maybe special cases where you might want those parts seen so maybe it should be ah option with the default as hiden)
the discussionsmodule with(in the group canb go above the comments and a group bio box above that (full editor for text and multimedia)
optionaly the profile menu can be replaced with a group menu that includes discussions comment wall and pages (if u want to go tyere a group specific gallery thats isolated from the main gallery would be cool...down the road no hurry)
having that groups set up right with all parts accessible from within the group.. and not looking like its part of a profile but a stand alone thing (even thiugh i know technicaly everythings within a profile..but if it just didnt look like it was a group should be about the group not the profile owner that created the group
im not sure if you have control over this or just foxy cart
but having only a 1 shipping price option per item per domestic or international is unrealistic and a nightmare to work out
i spent 6 hours on the phone today trying to get a somple answeer to how much would it cost to send a 5.4 oz bar of soap and a 12 oz bottle of shampoo domesticly and internationaly
there was no simple answer
so there needs to be zone rate options flat rate options ..the shipping needs to be more configurable
i can go live without that but alot of shops are going to find that hard to use since rates vary zip code to zip code wether its going to a residenbce or business wether the box is round square rectangle
i asked how much it costs to ship a bar of soap and got an answer " well our maximum size is 160 inches by 160 inches and 150 pounds and thats anywhere from 38 and up based on the value of the shipment
i said its 3 inches by 1 inch and thevalues 10 bucks and the weight 5.4 oz so how much
well our maximum size is and our maximum weight is.....
its impossible to get a simple answer that covers all domestic and all Internationale with 1 price per item
other then the groups needing everything accessible and to not look oike part of a profile the blogs should have a menu item not just the front page thing
i created my own but there should be 1
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM