have it your way

11 years ago
3,304 posts
this isn't a specific tip showing you how to accomplish a specific task but a more generalized one

sure theres something to be said about having an 'out of the box readsy to use" product
but no product will everr be exactly what everyone wants or else thered be only 1 type car on the road every house built the same and every song ever sung would have the same lyrics melody and beat

so take that product and make it your own dont be afraid to scrap whole parts of it that were already built for you and rebuild them the way you want them to be
yes its alot more work to recreate whats already created just to have it work exactly how you want it but then you have something you can be proud of, something your happy with every detail of

the hard work it takes to get you there is a constant source of inspiration to take it further

for every thing you work hours and hours to perfect will give you ideas and inspirations for something more

you will run into a few walls that may feel impossible to get around but chances are if you start working on something else awhile you'll just stumble on the solution

and it really is true that every solution you find gives you a key and an inspiration to just do a lil more

now on ning when youd add more and more you just made things complica6tted and confusing
but here im finding the more im putting into it the simpler im making it for the users to use

ive pushed back my expected launch date till i feel ive reached a level of perfection
a perfect ballance between unlimited power and pure simplicity

so this tips not really about how to do this or that but instead to encourage you to do everything you want to...and can possibly do.. to make your wsite the site you always wanted

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 01/29/15 12:37:18AM
