As the Ningja skin has some capabilities not in other skins ...
After the import will Events and the main (home page) discussion Forum appear?
I want to delete and move some of the content areas on the home page. Ning has a visual editor to do this. If Jamroom has one I have missed it completely and there are some other capabilities of Ning (and WordPress) that I don't see in Jamroom.
I want to replicate, to some extent, what is currently at
I don't want the trio of "Latest" blocks (profiles, music, and videos) on the front page at all (not doing music).
I don't want the Leaderboards in the right column (Top)
I want the "About" block to be the top block in the right column, not full width.
I need a "Member Marketplace" block for ads (Broadstreet) right under the "About" block.
I want the "Latest Photos" block directly below the "Member Marketplace" block.
I want the "Activity" block directly below the "Latest Photos" block.
I want my main Ning home page discussion Forum where "Activity" is now.
I want the Ning home page Blog section directly below the the main Forum.
I uploaded a much larger image than the 180x150 that I see in the CSS (in Firebug). The image gets resized and squashed. I have been looking through ACP / Skins / Style and I don't see anywhere where the height and width property of the logo are set. They are not overriden when I upload an image.
updated by @claygordon: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM