solved Skin Design Questions

Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
11 years ago
744 posts
As the Ningja skin has some capabilities not in other skins ...

After the import will Events and the main (home page) discussion Forum appear?

I want to delete and move some of the content areas on the home page. Ning has a visual editor to do this. If Jamroom has one I have missed it completely and there are some other capabilities of Ning (and WordPress) that I don't see in Jamroom.

I want to replicate, to some extent, what is currently at

I don't want the trio of "Latest" blocks (profiles, music, and videos) on the front page at all (not doing music).
I don't want the Leaderboards in the right column (Top)

I want the "About" block to be the top block in the right column, not full width.
I need a "Member Marketplace" block for ads (Broadstreet) right under the "About" block.
I want the "Latest Photos" block directly below the "Member Marketplace" block.
I want the "Activity" block directly below the "Latest Photos" block.
I want my main Ning home page discussion Forum where "Activity" is now.
I want the Ning home page Blog section directly below the the main Forum.


I uploaded a much larger image than the 180x150 that I see in the CSS (in Firebug). The image gets resized and squashed. I have been looking through ACP / Skins / Style and I don't see anywhere where the height and width property of the logo are set. They are not overriden when I upload an image.
updated by @claygordon: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: After the import will Events and the main (home page) discussion Forum appear?
Yes, they will show in the menu after import (the menu doesn't show items that don't currently exist).

Quote: I want to delete and move some of the content areas on the home page. Ning has a visual editor to do this. If Jamroom has one I have missed it completely and there are some other capabilities of Ning (and WordPress) that I don't see in Jamroom.
Jamroom and the Ningja skin does have a 'visual editor'. It is called 'Site Builder', is still in beta but is downloadable for you to try on your site. Checkout for discussions on this new product and how to install it.
The alternative to re-laying out your site is to edit the skin templates directly, either via FTP or by using the ACP skin editor. If you look through the skin index.tpl file, say, you'll hopefully notice how its split into rows and columns that contain blocks of code to display the various item lists. You can cut/paste these blocks into the locations you want them, or edit them to show the item lists you actually want. Some basic html knowledge would be required to do this.

Quote: I uploaded a much larger image than the 180x150 that I see in the CSS (in Firebug). The image gets resized and squashed. I have been looking through ACP / Skins / Style and I don't see anywhere where the height and width property of the logo are set. They are not overriden when I upload an image.
Look at the skin header.tpl template file and find the 'holder' for your logo image. You may be able to alter its CSS parameters so as to accommodate you logo size and aspect.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
3,603 posts
Quote: Quote: After the import will Events and the main (home page) discussion Forum appear?

Yes, they will show in the menu after import (the menu doesn't show items that don't currently exist).

The features will appear, but you may or may not have to add a link for them in your top navigation header bar. Every time there is a new skin update, I have to keep replacing my custom top links for "Events" and "Blogs" over again, as they get dropped in every skin update.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
