1 profile questions are not visible when logged out some should be visible just to admins the rest evertyone and the not required ones that arent filled in shouldnt show at all (i did not try loging in as a regular user to see how they looked but i logged out abnd saw nothing
2 to the right of the profile photo/questions is a big empty space
being that many of the profile questions are typicaly about me my links what my interests are type things maybe they should go there
3 im seeing 2 scrollbars on my profile and on groups created by my profile..odly en oughnot seeing 2 on the forums wich uses the forum catagory list as a landing page
4 this is where the double names come in on the gallery the 1st 1 is the gallery title wich most if the times the username unless they were put in an album on ning then thats the album title...it seems although the image title is included in the json no titles assigned to the image (not image title atribute i mean the image pages title)each image should have its own unique title and that should be displayed there
5 1st page of gallery acts strange..the bottom couple rows drop 1 or 2 images below throwing the display off oddly see screenshot tho sometimes its only 1 not 2
i still have no idea where group discussions and pages are they dont seem to be attached to the group and the group appears to be just a comment wall within my profile
@paul, can you see to it that the image title is imported with the image and a required form items added title
but the required title should not take the filename as a default wich was my biggest pain inthe ass with ning as many images got the title 87653456798765445689765.jpg
in the data below from the json
code removed....
the title should import into the required title field description into the caption (not required but recomended)
@douglass will you look into changing that gallery title to image title once the datas assigned
now notes on groups
i know groups are part of a profile like everything else but they shouldnt look like tthey are
hide the profile left sidebar with image hide everything from the profile menu up (including profile menu) add the discussions list above the comments ..with a pages list in a narrow column next to them
as it is now the group itself is pusheddown below the profile space with that hugeempty space to the right
and all of that should be hidden the block where the group photo and description are should be at the top
and no profile menu
another alternative if you really want to make the groups amazing and powerful...you can leave the main page as is just comments replace the profile links with the grooups discussions pages ...and a gallery specific to the group
iguess is a way the groups might have to function as 'unasigned profiles' that dont appear in the profiles listings dont show profile info connected to any owners but have thier built in duiscussions and pages and ..if possible seperate galleries that arent included in the main galleries
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM