1 there seems to be no way to include digital items in the seemless lists
2 i managed to get a random list of featured shops by search1="quouta_id = 18
but then below that i want a randomized list of shops the thing is i have featured shops quota id 18 new shops id 8 and full shops id 13
i tried search 1 search 2 search 3 with each id ...but nothing i tried a template with
{if $quota_id eq 18 or $quota_id eq 13 or $quota_id eg 8}{profile_name}{/if}
soooo how do i get digital (like music) to show up in the shops list alongside crafts etc (even if i need a seperate list for music that has a price..or files for that matter anything digital)
and how do i get a random list of profiles that belong to any of those 3 quotas
ps i seem to have found a glitch in the page editor (sitebuilder)
if you put code in a widget, and its the wrong code if u just delete it and save...with the editor empty (except title) the code comes back
i tried this multiple times and had to type "nothing' jjust so thered be something in there so the code wouldnt come back
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM