I DO notice a change in that a lot of what I've customized has now 'stuck' better.
But a lot of things are not making sense to me:
Sorry to be a downer today, but to be honest I could cry.
I don't know WHY logos are reverting back to JR logo in header in my clones, or WHY my customized header links some of them have now disappeared , some are reverted back to previous 'language' wording....
I don't know how I am supposed to keep my customized skin updated, or if my new updated Ningja skin is supposed to be wiped clean of all my customizations of the past two months.
All the stuff should have been kept intact. I have test this here, and all customizations I make to one skin are transferred to the clone. It's not clear to me what you're actually doing though. Are you cloning the LATEST NingJa skin and trying to customize that? I really don't know what you are doing.
I feel like so many things I do in my skin to make my site look like I want it to just get sneakily wiped or changed, and I dread every time Ningja skin gets an keeps throwing me back where I have to keep redoing same changes over and over and over that I had sucessfully changed in my prior skin. I spent FIVE HOURS yesterday hunting down color tweaks, fonts tweaks, header tweaks, background tweaks, and had things looking much more like my goal. All this i did in Ningja .10 because the cloner hadn't been fixed yet. and now I notice little things here and there that have changed back in my clone despite my having carefully cloned ningja before applying the new update to .11 .
I would say something is wrong on your site. Updating a skin NEVER changes anything you have customized - ever. But regardless, you should not be doing your customization ON the actual NingJa skin, but instead:
- clone the NingJa skin
- make your customizations on your CLONE.
I mean, just one example- I cloned my .10 ningja skjin to new name right before I updated Ningja this morning. (first i updated all the toher modules and core) then updated Ningja to .11, then cloned the updated ningja skin as well... and my header logo has been replaced (again) by the JR logo. (wtf??) My logo is ok on my .10 clone skin, but other customizations were changed back or lost. Even though they seem to be there in the template code the way I had put them.
I think this is correct, but you're not understand how cloning works.
If you clone a skin that has NOT been customized (i.e. NingJa) then it is NOT going to have customizations in it that you have added to a CLONE of skin (say jrNingJaCustom).
Is there something i am missing about the whole update/clone process
Yeah I think there is - this should not be causing you all these problems. Here's how you do it:
- starting from an UNMODIFIED skin - i.e. Nongja, create your custom clone - jrNingjaCustom
- modify the templates/css/images in jrNingjaCustom
- when new release of jrNingja come up, update. This
will not change anything in jrNingjaCustom. You can update jrNingja all you want without worry.
- now if you want to MIGRATE the changes in jrNingja over to jrNingjaCustom DO NOT clone again - you will wipe out your changes in jrNingjaCustom!!! Instead, go into the TEMPLATES tab in your jrNingjaCustom skin and click on the COMPARE button. In the compare select drop down in the upper right corner, select the
jrNingja skin. This will now show you the difference between your custom skin template and the jrNingJa template. If you want to update your template with the one that is in jrNingja, just press the button to do so.
I have a feeling you are re-cloning, which is going to wipe out changes if you clone again over TOP of an existing clone.
Let me know if that makes sense.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom