you guys are infinitely patient with our confusion, our constant barrage of questions, and our often overwhelming requests for changes and tweaks
you give us what we ask for and faster then any of us can believe (especially after dealing with ning)
you (especialy you @paul) have gone beyond the call of duty to provide hands on help when needed
and although alot of us are still confused by the new system thats far diferent then the ning we were used to
your helping us just enough to give us the clues we need to figure things out on our own (slowly) and learn this alien but powerful beast called jamroom
for us it really is like taming something wild and slightly scary
but every day we get a lil closer to having it under control
and you truly have been awesome and i just want you to know that even though at times we may seem frustrated confused or like we expect too much too fast... we realllllly appreciate you
i dont know what we can do to repay you except get our sites finished and perfectred...and go live then post them all over nings creators as an example of just what you can do with a lil effort and a willingness to try something new
i have coding and web design experience (just the smarty templattes stuffs all new to me) and this is still tricky to get used to for me
but for many ningsters its like trying to take the training wheels off a tricycle and hop into a mig 29 or su35 and expect to be able to pull off 6 g aurobatics with no more instructions then "this stick makes u go up and down and that lever makes u go faster'
this ning to jr forum needs the faq module and some of our better detail orientated writers (not me!) to write up a how to guide geared towards those stuck in the ning mentality so we can show them what can be done and how to do it semi easily
i definately am looking forward to polishing off my site then showing it off on ning as an example to hopefully persuade a few more to join us here
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM