Yes I strongly agree- right now we have two main page modules for Groups, and two for Blogs... but none for Forum discussions. And currently the "Latest Discussions" really means latest group discussions- this is a holdover from before you added the stand alone forum discussions module- maybe when you guys thought all discussions were within groups? To most of us, "latest discussions" would mean latest forum discussions, not group discussions.
Here is the way I am wishing I could organize mine:
The main navigation bar along top could have for example links to the main areas that each have modules, like: Forums, Groups, Videos, Music, Profiles, Blogs, Galleries, Events. And of course the member's personal profile page with their name as a link. (I have already added top menu links myself for Events and Blogs to my own site, but they should really be there by default- basically links to any feature that has its own content JRmodule)
Then the main page could have a module each of the MOST RECENTLY updated or added: Discussions(forum, that is), Groups, Videos, Music, Profiles/members, Blogposts, Gallery/images, ComingEvents. Within each of these we should be able to set the number of items that show in the main page module, plus we should be able to drag each module to either a wide/large column or to a narrow side column, to give it more or less importance customized to our own sites.
For example, right now on my main page Blogs are taking up WAY too much spotlight, with two modules basically both showing the SAME thing: most recent blog posts. And one of those is in a giant wide column. I only need ONE main page 'latest blog posts' module. My latest activity, latest forum discussions, and latest videos are at least as important as member blogs on my site, if not more important.
And since we already do have a top menu link to (all) GROUPS, I'd be cool with simply having as soaring suggested, only ONE main page module for Groups, that shows various latest group activities (comments, and discussion posts within groups)- but it needs to be labeled Latest Group Activities, or Latest Groups...not "latest discussions' which implies the main forum, not groups.
Then as Soaring hinted at, the main page Latest Activities could include an overview of all latest posted content and activities- from most all areas: new members joining, new discussions, new group activities, new songs, new videos, new blog posts....etc. It might be too much to ask, but our Ning sites had a "More" button on the main latest activity column, enabling people to continue to see stuff they might have missed if they went away for a couple days. Right now there isn't much room for more than 7 entries or so, with the avatars showing so big on the Latest Activity list- too much white blank space. 7 entries would sink out of sight in a couple of hours on my site, and people would be tearing their hair out trying to keep up with what happened that day on my site.
Basically, what Im suggesting is that the top navigation strip LINKS be to the main content areas that show "all" of each type of content (videos, blogs, profiles, etc) and the main page MODULES should be showing the 'latest activity' occurring within each of those sections- latest blog posts, latest members joining, latest group activities, latest videos posted, etc.
I also have an issue with the main page modules only showing UPLOADED videos (no youtubes or vimeos) and only UPLOADED music (no soundlcloud clips). This arrangement will encourage people to load all their videos and MP3s right onto my site instead of embedding them through YT and SC, and over years that will lead to a huge amount of content on my server. I am willing to bet that 90% of all ning network videos are youtube embedded. Also, I envision every week people asking me "I posted a youtube video yesterday but I don't see it in the video section..where'd it go?" This issue however is really a separate discussion that I intend to raise later, in a SEPARATE thread. (sorry!)
Hopefully we will be able to drag these modules around on the main page to switch between narrow or big columns with the coming Site Builder, I assume? That way we can all adjust how prominent they appear on our various sites.
I'm just throwing out some things that have been a bit frustrating or illogical for me that are the same issues or related to what Soaring brought up here. These kinds of layout/function changes may greatly smooth the experience for those who follow us. I deeply appreciate all that you guys are doing and am amazed at your efficiency. Thanks!
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM