Go to ACP -> Users -> User Accounts -> Quota Config and you will see there are options under "Signup Method" (including instant validation).
2. Where can I see the information users submit during initial sign up (sign up form questions)?
I'm not sure about this one in regards to Ning imports - Paul might know this.
Hope this helps!
At present it is only possible to select one of the three options. My question is, can this be extended to two types of verification; both email and Admin?
Email verification alone does not allow admins to check who is actually creating an account. Whereas the addition of Admin verification (providing Admins have access to the person's details used at sign up. Hence my second question), will add that extra level of security. So what I am asking is this: Is it possible to add "two" levels of verification, whereas now only one of three is available.
The details that I refer to in my second point are those submitted on the "created an account" form. Where can these be found after the new user has submitted them (before accepting the user)? Please see screenshot.
Trust that is a bit clearer.
updated by @isleander: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM