the forums only have either a list of posts, or a list of categories
it would be nice to have a hybrid view that has the category list and the most recently active 5 posts within each category
also there should be an option to show an excerpt too not only the title as a link but the 1st x number of characters ning gave the option of 250 500 or 1000 charachters
this is also a recomended option in the activity feed (optional)
another thing thats massively helpful is to show when people join and how many joined during say that 24 hour period
when guests see 'dave, bob, nancy and 13 others just joined" type messages they are way way more likely to join as well
you will always notice that as soon as 1 joins others will join one after another and if theres none showing up in the activity feed its likely none will sign up all day..the momment one joins however 4 or 5 or more are very likely to follow..and as long as someone joining is visible in the activity feed then the joins will continue
ps the gallery is still not responsive
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM