heres the situation
i want to build custom fields into the profile modification form
etc etc
id like to enable everything (except shops) for all profiles (including shops) then in the profile modification form alow them to check off the items they want hiden
then in the right templates insert a code that adds display:none to the menu items (desktop and mobile)
i need to know where to look for the template codes that add the menu itemns and how to hide them based in each field being "on"
unfortunately im not so sure it will be that easy cause it looks like theres a for loop that ads each module assigned to the quota
wait.. maybe i need to edit that for loop somehow with for each in quota and custom field !not on in profile_id type logic?
if i matched the part after profile with the identifer that turns on the menu irtem is there a way to write the code so it takes the identifyer itself as a variable
what i mean my that say
jrAudio being allowed on profile is what adds that audio link
and say i make the checkbox named profile_hide_jrAudio
is there a way to rewrite that for look so it checks if profile_hide_(the module name) is on it wont display it
i just want a way that the profiles can choose what menu items show up on thier profiles without having to design a dozen custom quotas to accomplish it
(and sorry for the long post was trying to wrap my brain around the logic behind what i want to accomplish)
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM