getting closer to ready to launch (and the couple things id love to but dont need to be done by then)

11 years ago
3,304 posts
the last couple days i made alot of progress towards being ready to launch and just need to upload 12 more gigs so i can re-import and finalze some styling
im getting very excited and i think i can have it launch ready in the next week or 2

i want to praise nearly worship the jr team for the absolutely amazing work they have done so far
you guys are the best of the best

now theres just a couple of things that id like to see tweaked by the time i launch though if thats too much pressure it can wait a lil while these are simply things that id like to have done for a "perfect' launch

1 the gallery index made responsive with titles not descriptions and names ..and uniform alocated spaces for each to maintain a uniform grid (and centered within the content block)

2 profile lists should be more then just a block of photos
example photo on the left with to the right a profile name and other configurable data like quota (though a configurable name like admin for master admin quotas new member if u have a new member quita member fior full members bands teachers shop whatever profile type id you want to give it (maybe the quota creation form should have a "freindly quota id" or something other options that could be included next to the photo would be location etc just a few short items that identify the profile owner and type etc

3 and this maybe should have been number 1
the forums latest activity having a prominant place on the front page!
for my site at least (not going to speak for all ning users here as some might niot use a forum at all) but for my site the forums should have a latest activity where the activity list is now the activity list should be the same height but in the right narrower column and the top groups group discussions and events go below them

a suggestion for the future and i think strumelia would agree thart this would help ningsters feel alot more confy a "features layout" tab on the skin configuration that alows the front page features to be drag and drop rearanged added or removed so you can put the modules where you want them
i know the sitebuilder alows that but then you have to build each page im strictly talking about a easy way to rearange the front page only and include or exclude the items you want or dont want right up front
i wouldnt want group discussions apearing onthe front page at all except in the activity feed
but i might want a random product rotator type thing instead

i also want to add that some of the things that i had been putting off doing cause i was afraid it would be complicated and i almost concidered paying someone to help me with turned out to be pretty simple and only took an hour or 2 when i finaly decided to just get it over with

theres only a couple things i need to finish off in order to feel ready to move and that requires finishing the upload installing dreamweaver again (after hard drive loss last week) and just coding a couple custom pages wich i dont think will be as complicated as i had feared

so long story short ..if all goes well ill be going live real soon (also running into more glitches with nings archiver that might cause another delay) oh and ps a freind might develop a couple custom modules for me .. if possible 1 will be a chat..fully integrated made for jr not a cometchat integration...though no promises yet they are just starting to look over the module creation and core docummentation and we'll be getting together in the next couple weeks to work on stuff

they work for a production company and thier site they developped themselves seems to function very simularly so they definately got the skills needed

so i want to thank you guys for all the awesome work you did

heres preview (temporary url and note the data will be wiped within 24 hourrs and a fresh import started so the "broken' stuff will be fixed within a few days

ps i know theres some design issues still i put perfecting the design on hold till the next skin versions released

oh 1 last suggestion
design wise it would be very helpfull for modules and templates etc to have some sort of class that identifies them and makes css targetting easier without having to waste hours hunting down the right templates in the right modules to add a class so you can style the items within it

example if the gallery_index had a div class galleryindex or something
im just finding styling dificult without hunting for hours tryingto find the right elements to add a class to
im sure people who have used jr for years know right where to look but ning users coming here..even those with amazing css skills will be lost trying to find the right places to add classes and might end up using alot of jquerry class insertion instead

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 02/06/15 12:00:39PM
