the new search option that alows
i tried it on profile blogs as is but couldnt get it to work nor could i see the containing div i added for it so figured i must have to put it somewhere ekse so i went to youtube 6to add it when i saw it already there with other configuration options
in profile bl0gs i added it inside title after the h1 inside a div classed modulesearch
but couldnt seem to find it
so,,since i see its already on youtube ..will it be added to other modulesin future releases so i wont have to manualy add it
and 2 adding it to the index.tpl of profile blogs module where exactly should iu have seen it i expected it to be in the blog tiitle bar like on youtube and i figured id need the containing difv to float it right
but didnt see the container or the search in the main profile blog list nor on the front page blog list i even checked the blog posts themselves ..i couldnt find it anywhere and yes i cleared cache
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM