Isleander:.. I was wondering why the Discussions link does not show when added to the header menu.
Is this code correct?... please see image....
Code is a language in the same way english is a language. Its purpose is to communicate with machines.
So to that effect, lets see what that piece of code is saying and translate it into english:
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrForum') && strlen($_conf.jrNingja_forum_profile) > 0}
<li><a href="{$_conf.jrNingja_forum_profile}">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="19" default="Discussions"}</a></li>
That ^^ is the full code, but if we break it down into bits it will be easier to translate.
So the first bit:
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrForum').......
anything that is wrapped in something like
{if} {/if} means
"If the next question is true, then do everything in this block."
So the question we have is
jrCore_module_is_active('jrForum') which translates into english as "If the module that provides the forums is activated....."
Then the next part of that is
&& strlen($_conf.jrNingja_forum_profile) > 0 (so there are 2 questions needed to be true to activate this
{if} {/if} block). It reads
"and there is a profile name set....."
So so far we have in english
"If the next question is true, then do everything in this block." Q:
"If the module that provides the forums is activated.....and there is a profile name set....."
Then the part in the middle of that is the link.
So the full english sentence is:
"If the next question is true, then do everything in this block." Q:
"If the module that provides the forums is activated.....and there is a profile name set.....then show this link."
updated by @michael: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM