most ning sites rely heavily on a chat module some more then others
but heres my list of feature requests and i encourage all other ning refugees to add to or debate on each so we can have the best options available to fit all our needs
and jr team i would say that all other fonctionalities should be perfected before tyou even begin thinking about this (also if at all possible i'll try to find someone who can help me develop it ourselves so if i can manage that thenyour off the hook)
ok my dream chat would include
a docked chat at the window bottom and/or on page (option to use 1 or the other or both) possibly with a "pop out" option to open the chat in a seperate window from the site
a main "network chat" room a (optional) freinds/followers room or if not room the ability to filter the network chat to operate as a followers only chat
a privAte message instant message type thing (opens a private chat window)
smily support
optional in chAt image and vid support (using the urlscanner module to convert supported links to emnbeded vids)(including links from within the networks vids)
and an optional "guest chat' where logged out non members can still inreract with members if you choose to enable that option
i know thats alot to ask for and to expect
so a very basic no frills chat 1st then extend its capabilities later
hmm wondering if an "active profile" chat would encourage alot more activity as bands/shops/ whatever might spend more time on chatting with thier fans/customers
but then again those might have too much "dead air" time to be worthwhile ..
though for very busy fan sites where multiple ppl manage a profile and thats the norm it might be a worthwhile option to some
note: the aboves more then is needed, more then ning offered more then were used to ..just every option i could think of that might be nice to have
a stripped down no thrills version however is kinda an essential tool for ning users
oh forgot 2 things 3 really the chat/online list /private chat indows if docked should be collapsable like nings is now
private chats should "pop up' (not pop out just extend from the colapsded state) on 1st message
and there should be an optional audio alert of messages and a vissual clue of new messages (like the colapsed bar "blinks' and a numeracal number of new messages
feel free to make an account on to see how the current chat works ..
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM