I'm not quite sure if this happened during a later re-import (after the groups modules updating/re-organization a week ago) or whether it was like this from the beginning, but I just noticed i only have about 16 of my 57 or so ning Groups on my test site.
I 'think' all my groups are there in my Ning Archive (I can see their group avatars .jps and mentions of them in the json file for example).
I just ran a re-import (setting to 'create new') of the three areas associated with groups in my JR Ning Import Module: Group Support, Group Discussions, and Group Pages. Ran Integrity check and cleared cache...But nothing new was created or added- still showing only 16 groups with their associated members and content.
I can't figure out if my archive is missing necessary stuff, or if something else is going on. Any help to solve the puzzle is appreciated!
FWIW i have the modules installed and active of:Profile Groups, Profile Groups Discussions, and Profile Groups Pages.
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM