The first thing I checked out was the photos as these are the most important for me because it was one of the most uploaded item on my previous site.
1: The photos
These can be added to galleries on the users profiles and are displayed in a nice grid. The photos in the grid are also draggable so you can re-arrange them by clicking on them and while holding the mouse down move them about.
The photos when clicked on display really nice and the container adjusts to the size of the photo, also there is a great lightbox option for viewing them, although this option does not seem available when you open a photo as you have to go back to the gallery to get to the link, but you can still just click on either side of the photo to move about.This lightbox also works on your phone. You can add ratings to them and also comments which are layed out really nice under the photo. The photos are nice and sharp and very easy to upload. You can delete single photos or a whole gallery of photos.
All in all very happy indeed for the photos section.
2: YouTube Videos
Not tried any of the other video options as yet so will just remark about these for now. The videos are very easy to add with the only need to add the YouTube link, the rest of the video information that the person who added it to YouTube automatically comes in and is laid out again really nice. Jamroom grabs a still for display in the list so as to not take up bandwidth data and only display the video when you request it.
Also, this is something I really liked, you can re-arrange the order of the videos by dragging and dropping them in a list via a little button called 'set item order' found by the + button for adding videos. Again you can add ratings ( by adding the ratings module ) and also comments to them.
There is also a nice YouTube search option to add more than one video at a time. I tried this and found you can look though a page of videos on offer then place a tick next to each one you want to add the choose publish and they all get added nice and neatly. One word of note though is that you need to upload then page by page as your tick selection is not remembered one you move to another page, that being said though you can set a long list to display by page and it works really well.
3: Audio
You can add audio files to your profiles and create albums, this is easy to upload music too and you can also have playlists which other members can create on their profiles too from music you have uploaded. You can also set the music to be available to be downloaded. You can add just one track or a whole album at one time. You can add a shopping cart to charge for downloads but not looked into this yet. The only thing missing is a way to pop out the player so you can listen to the music while moving around the site, well not that I have found yet so if it can be done then pop a message below to let me know where to find it. You could simply just open up another browser window though to have the members page open and listen to the music while browsing on another.
So thats my top 3 for now and hope to add more very soon.

updated by @john-bizley: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM