ok i did the groups update thinjg followed the directions disabling but not deleting the modules
and im thoroughly confused and wondering if things went terribly wrong
the forums discussions link in the menus gone .. the very backbone of my site
i see groups 1st 1 i clicked got a not found 2nd 1 i clicked really only looked like a comment wall
whenj i click discussions wich now i see discussions in that box i get a list of discussions stripped of thier categories with no organization
ans every one i clicked was not found
whats more im finding inconsitencies with the background of wrapper on some pages includes the footer on others the footers grey
im going to try to figure out what went wrong
lil pannicky
the forums are what were known for thats our heart and soul
and they need to beeassy to use and categorized
i dont care if they all gert pulled into a profile called dreadlocks forums or whatever
im also not finding our pages now
did i shut off the wrong modules
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM