1 as i said in another post there needs to be a photo galery link in the main menu that shows every photo in every galery as 1 seemless site galery with a featured photos block
2 the > on the right of the full vierw (not lightbox) sends you back to the begining of the list and there is no coresponding
3 the big 1
photos uploaded by a member while on ning ..that are not stored in an album,.. are nowhere to be found
there needsto be a default that those can be pulled into
there maybe 65,000 images in my galery
but each "galery' wich wsere albulms might only show 4 or 5
and all them together maybe 1,000 or 2,000 with the fast majority orphaned
in my case on ning i had 343 photos on jr i see 5 in 1 'galery" and 4 in another...thats it
the rest are lost in limbo
other notes
profile lists should have minimal info not just an image lie name location (city state counjtry)
maybe gender (not required )
the photo could be 1/2 sized to give space for a 3 line basic info
name (linked to profile ) location and gender (if specified)
avtualy no
just location since some profiles might e just shops not individuals
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM