- Group Support - this is the Profile Groups “Core” module and is required for profile groups to function
- Group Pages - this is for creating pages inside a Group. Note that by default only admin users and profile owners can create new pages in their groups - however you can go into the User Config for a group user and add the “can create pages” privilege so trusted users can also create pages in that group (it is group specific)
- Group Discussion - for having discussions in a Group. By default all users in a group have the ability to start and contribute to a discussion - you can REMOVE a users ability to start a discussion via the User Config section (just like with the pages)
I’ve modeled all of this on how the Ning groups work right now, so while there might be a couple small differences, it should work almost exactly the same on the front. Things that are supported:
- Private Groups - users must apply to be in a private group. Posts made in a private group DO NOT get added to a users timeline (we don’t want that exposed)
- RSS feeds on all Group Discussion pages
- Comment Wall on front page of group
- ability to mark up to 4 Groups as “Featured” and have them appear at the top of the groups page
- When viewing a group the group uses the entire page width (does not show the profile sidebar)
- Group Pages module has a Tool for assigning pages to specific groups (since the Ning JSON export does NOT tell us what group a page belongs to)
- TinyMCE (WYSIWYG) editor used throughout (this requires an update to the User Comments module)
Some important notes: (please read all of this!)
- There are no Discussions or Pages OUTSIDE of a group. If you need discussions outside a group you want to use the standard Jamroom “page” module or the “profile forum” module.
- I have standardized the module directory names and removed “Ning” - this new Profile Groups setup can be used by non-Ning imported sites as well. This makes it so there is NOT a direct upgrade for the existing “Ning Discussions” and “Ning Pages” modules - don’t worry, you won’t lose data, but after installing the NEW modules there are some things that will need to be done to move your existing data over to the new module (see my other post about this - I can assist with this).
I want to thank you all for being patient while I got this all working as it should - I spent a lot of time making sure that we can use this as a foundation for additional Group modules going forward (i.e. to bring you features you were looking forward to in Ning 3). However, I don’t plan on jumping into any of those right away - I want to make sure we get the entire Ning import process VERY smooth and easy for everyone to use, which I anticipate might take us a few more weeks as well fix bugs and iron out issues. I know many of you are dealing with the rough edges we have right now, and we appreciate your feedback and patience. Know that we are working hard on this end to provide you with a powerful platform that is going to work awesome for you for many years to come, so taking our time early on now to “do things right” is imperative to it’s success.
If anyone has any questions please let us know

I hope you enjoy the new releases!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM