a few important facts to remember
1 your skin is not the only templates you will need to add classes to, the skin and modules work together to build a page. 1 example is the ning discussion page and details, these templates are found in the ning discussions module
2 templates call other templates and modules and if you cant find what your looking for, like the comments on a forum post, chances are (and in this case is) theres an if for else type statement calling those comments, the likes, and everything else in that block
3 surrounding an if else type statement with a containing div alows you to target all items within that div you added
4 little lost? 2 quick ways to find yourself and the code your targetting 1 put .hereiam {background-color:red!important;} in your css then simply add heriam to any element and everything withinit turns bright red you can alternately add <h1>here i am</h1> and see a heading in the page (yes this is a guide for dummies)
on the front page i i targetted the headings and "items" to get this glazed "capped" look but that left all other items hanging out there with that flat chopped off top look
to fix this i had to edit a few templates adding classes then targetting all items within or in some cases all but the 1st item (.item:nth-child(n+2) targets all items after the 1st child)
on the forum lists page this was simple to do using the nth-child method and adding classes to the title area for padding
and all i did was add the border radius to all but the 1st "item"
i am not near done just wanted to share examples of how to get the control you want
heres the css ive used so far for forum tweaks
.ningdiscusscommentdetails .item,.discussfirstpost .item:nth-child(n+2),.ningdiscussblockcontent .item:nth-child(n+2) {-webkit-border-radius:2em;-moz-border-radius:2em;border-radius:2em;}
.title.discusstitleblock {
padding: 1em 3em 0.3em 2em;
real simple
heres a discussuion detail page now to target the comments likes shares etc all i did was wrap a div around the if that brings in those items
<div class="ningdiscusscommentdetails">
{if !isset($item.discuss_forbidden)}
{* bring in the item details *}
{jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrNingDiscuss" item=$item}
at 1st i felt like it was a real oversight to not have built in classes but now im starting to see how it makes sence to have a more "blank slate" aproach that lets you put them where you want them or to surround them with containing divs to target a group of items
just thought this would help some of you out who are trying to get used to the new system
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 01/13/15 10:55:06AM