There are only ten members showing on a page, stacked from top to bottom with huge avatars and lots of wasted blank space on the right of each name, and they are listed in the order of the very FIRST/oldest members to join my site five years ago...(yikes) and only 10 per page....and this list goes on for 440 pages. =8-\ (I assume there are ways to make this into a more space-efficient grid that can be sorted newest/oldest or ABC, like ...but that's actually not my question)
So anyway there I am in the Profiles page 1 of 440 and I need to find member Stanley something. The only Search I can see is at top right corner so I click on that (directly from the profiles page) and enter "Stanley". The search result give me a few discussions only, and it even says right there:
"Stanley" in Discussions
Home » All Search Results for "Stanley" » Discussions
Wonderful film by David Holt featuring Stanley Hicks and Edd Presnell
Stanley Hicks
Stanley & Ray Hicks video
(Hmm...why is it showing only 'discussions' in the search function?)
So my question here is...we cannot sort profile list by newest/oldest or ABC and we cannot do a search for a member by name, and of course no one is going to look through 400 pages to find someone... so how do people find each other if they are not recently in the activity feed?
This comes back to the need for features having their own search function within them. If I'm in the video section I should be able to punch in a search for the VIDEOS showing members playing jazz on their dulcimers, without being tossed to a list of FORUM discussions about playing jazz on the dulcimer.
I know Ning 3.0 does not yet have feature-specifc search yet, and it drives people nuts having to use a site-wide Google search bar instead...but even that would be better than a search that gave you only results from discussions.
Thanks for listening!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM