1st i figured ill put all my styling issues with the ning skin in 1 place then also i had some questions concerning the ning skin and my ad requirements
1st the styling i mentioned it in another post but ill put all my thoughts together here
1 theres a desperate need for unique classes added to many many elements there are far far too many things (nearly everything) that are just "item" class the front page nearly everytjings in a blog_item structure wether its a blog item or not
i havent looked through entirely but in the main sections the cloices are content block row item etc withoit any specifications on whatthe rows or items are
i know its ah early version just making sure your aware
now for ads
hows everyone handeling them in the template im definately using responsive code but cant seem to make em work in a sensible place..well in the header at least
i have 3 essential ad spaces and 1 other thing im considering
essential would be a responsive header and footer ad and 1 sidebar that would appear on every page thats a paid ad and that ad alone covers 3/4 of the server fees
its size is flexible i mean i can create a new 1 any size just not too small im usintg 300x250 on 2,0 and 300x600 on 3,0
im fifuring the 300x250 wiuld be best
but i guess my question is
whbere in the temolate aee u placing your header ad code (could an empty div be added to contain it or could an adsence module be developed/)
the sidebar ads not adsence i have my own adserver its a iframe with a refresh
ive also used css animation for the ad on 2.0 in the past..not sure im using it now
would css animation be supported cross platform on every device
or should i stick with the iframes ansd 50 sec refresh im using now
and..where should that go to be persistent assuming on front page it will have tbe right column and profiles left
and looks like disccussions is full width so no option to add it there
im thinking that a few built in ad space options are the best option/
oh and mty last ad like thing would be a slider on the shops listing page of featured shops shops that belong to a higher quota pay me a slightly higher percentage to be included in that slider
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 01/30/15 03:12:47PM