although its still buggy
and ..i will complain that the class structure needs attention (although being open source i guess its easy enough to edit and add my own classes where needed)
i gotta say im loving it
ill admit to being frustrated and confused at 1st..and i wasnt using the ning skin wich made me wonder how id ever manage to make it work..
but now that im working with the right skin and seeing its potential imin love
i still got a ways to go
and im finding styling tricky at times due to lack of classes on some important elements..
but overall im very happy
running on my own server the speed increase is insane
ning my main page often takes 12-13 seconds ..well often? thats avcerage thered been times when it was much slower
now im flying at an average of 2 seconds
but the biggest thing is my members are getting excited
several have saidthey are interested in helping to make my site the new etsy for my niche
and i think once were really up and running things will sure take off
considering that the ning to jamroom projects probably only weeks old youve accomplished more then nings done in 6 months
theres a ways to go still
though i think a big chunk will be done by the weekend
and i have all confidence that we'll see more improvements in the following week
i gotta wonder how 4 guys.. with 2 on vacation manage to do far more in less time then a big corporation backed by a mega giant like glam/mode with tens of millions at thier disposal has been able to do in months and months and months
i doubt you guys are millionaires ..
i just think your doing a great job
paul i know you want us to use the main forums more and i think thats a great resource
but,,, your going to have alot of confused ningsters coming here trying to figure out this somewhat alien technology
and they are going to need thier 'creators' like community.. the ningsters thathave always helped ningsters understand and improve ning (in as far as ning alowed with css and js)
and i think having a big batch of info here ..alot of discussions from us pioneers who are exploring this wild new land , laying out trails , finding our way through thewoods and leaving a path behing that the others can follow will really help guide them.
we know your 4 guys doing a monumental job
and we are overloading you with questions
but every answer we get helps usto answer questions for others as they move here
iknow kos seems lost but shes 1 of the most helpful guides on creators even though not the most technicaly gifted (found out she still uses aohell since the 80's!)
but your getting some of the ppl that love to help others and answer questions and guide them,..
so point is the more we keep ning related q&a in the ning section the more confy other ningsters will feel
as usual my testimonial went wandering off into a meandering babble
but al im trying to say is..jr is an Awesome extremely powerful andflexible alternative to ning
and the 1 thing that will help more ning users feel confortable is the community
1 thing that will be important to attracting more ningsters is more ning based skins
well not ning based but ning data based
as i become more confy with the system .. and once my sites up and running smoothly
i'd like to see if i cant put together a few skins that will be adaptable for varios purposes
ie abusiness skin a profesional network skin a education skin etc etc
ning had a few skin or themes like maybe 12 in 2.0 then 6 in 6.0 or sdo but they were all just pretty generic ..lil diferent look but not really tailored to fit a purpose i think we can make some that are more made fir a type of site thenthey can customize from there
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM