handeling diferent url structures and the resultant "page not found' issues

11 years ago
3,304 posts
since ning and jr will use a very diferent url structure how will the search trafic results be handled

will all search results generate a 404 not found
or will there be a graceful way of doing a i think its 301 permenent redirrection from the original url wich should then update the search engine results

if they cant be redirected to the correct url could they be handled by a perment redirect to the front page (wich i think will feed it lots of link juice)
and ..is there any way that those redirects could triger a popup saying this site has gone through a massive overhaul the link you followed has been relocated, please use the search feature or browse these pages with links to the major features

im just wondering how to avoid a nightmare situation of nearly all trafic hitting a 404 then deciding to look elsewhere for the info while it takes months for the search engines to fully update

im really hoping theres a graceful url redirecting that updates the search engines automaticly

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
11 years ago
3,304 posts
sidenote unrelated im the king of typos but i thought you might want to know theres 1 in the description over there

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
since ning and jr will use a very diferent url structure how will the search trafic results be handled

will all search results generate a 404 not found
or will there be a graceful way of doing a i think its 301 permenent redirrection from the original url wich should then update the search engine results

The search results will likely generate a 404 - I can't think of any way of "automatically" handling the Ning search and URL structure within Jamroom without setting up a custom module to watch for those URLs (which is doable).

I will add it down on the TODO to check out when we can.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
3,304 posts
alotta days without sleep doing nothing but working on this leaves me alot of time to think about every detail...then overload you with questions

i also got some ideas for big improvements to the sitemap module but that can be lower on the 2 do list however ..hmm if my sites ready b4 i git a clean archive to import maybe ill have my freind take a shot at it

but i noticed the sitemap only lists profile urls i think (ning 2.0 only listed features so might have only 5 or 10 urls when my proper sitemap listed 1.5 million)
ning 3.0 promiced me a on the fly updating sitemap "within the comming weeks' a year and 1/2 ago lol

but a few notes on the sitemaps
they should list all content in the site every page every photo vid should hgave the mobile markup for mobile pages etc
additionaly besides having every page listed ,,and all content it would be very preferable to be able to set priorities per feature or maybe quotas as well as change freq to help guide crawling

now an on the fly updater would be a dream come true and is possible
a listener could listen for all ad content of any sort events wether add a profile a store item a comment or blog ..well anything with a url
it woukd then write the url to the sitemap

1 issue might be if a blogs getting a million comments a minute (i dont think comments get a url here do they? if not problem solved) but if a feature was overwhelmed with new content being added causing an overload of writes to sa file you could have 1 sitemap per feature or profile or whatever (not ideal but solves that issue) so that reduces the writes per file and when the xml reaches 40,000 urls it creates a next sequential number and writes that to the index

just not sure wich would be more eficient a crawl of a million pages at maintenence run or the add on the fly option

question when the current sitemap updates does it crawl the file system for urls or poll the database for profile urls

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah I've got your Sitemap suggestions down here - I don't think any of it will be an issue - even real time updating. Jamroom has a really cool "queue system" so we don't have to worry about getting overloaded with thousands of actions - we can still just process it one time in an offline listener, so it should not be an issue.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
3,304 posts
well if u can do that
i got the biggest grin ion my face

i had to upgrade my pc to 32 gigs ram to handle my sitemap crawls
and it takes 4 or 5 days or so
then if the net goes down or a crash or power failure (very common here) i often dont get a crawl completed fir a month..even 2

a server side proper sitemap
thats like the holy grail to me

ok im gonna say it..i love you guys..lol

is this open sourse i think so right is jamroom run by a company or community
i know the scripts free and you probhably make a decvent ammount off the paid modules ..but this is more your passion then job tight or is it a corporation run thing

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
is this open sourse i think so right is jamroom run by a company or community
i know the scripts free and you probhably make a decvent ammount off the paid modules ..but this is more your passion then job tight or is it a corporation run thing

I first created and released Jamroom 1.0 in July of 2003, so I've been developing and supporting Jamroom for over 11 years. For a lot of that time it was just me - I was lucky early on to get quite a number of dedicated JR users, and the community has continued to grow. A couple years back we formed "The Jamroom Network" which is myself, Paul, Michael and Douglas. So it's the 4 of us and we certainly are not "corporate" in any way lol - I've been running Jamroom under an LLC (Talldude Networks LLC) for many years, so that is the umbrella we run under here.

We operate Jamroom as a team with each of us specializing in areas:

- I primarily focus on the Jamroom Core and module development, and have developed the Proxima and Genosis conversions.

- Paul is our lead of Jamroom imports - i.e. importing from a Jamroom 4 system, importing from Ning, etc. - he has built all the modules to handle this and works directly with with customers for their migrations. He also does a lot of module development.

- Michael - Michael is a core/module developer that is the lead for Site Builder and does a lot of module work

- Douglas - Douglas is our designer and skin developer and handles all updates to our skins and designs.

So that's how our team is laid out and what we work on.

We decided to use an Open Source license for the Jamroom 5 core since our long term goal is to encourage developers to use it as the "core" for their own systems that they build.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
11 years ago
3,304 posts
helps? that made me feel right at home

ning was great early on even though it was a corporation and had raised something like 44 million fir development ,,they were very communicative really responsive and kept us in the loop so it didnt feel so much like dealing with a company
but then glam bought them
my sites all about dreadlocks we have a "just say no to makeup' group ..we have crafters that make thier own clothes or 'upcycle' we have people living in tipis or earthships ..off the grid
and nudists
women proud to have hair wherever hair might grow

glam.. were not glam
were like the anti glam.. the kick your vanity in the teeth and be free network
seeing that "powered by glam" at the bottom of the page was like an oxymoron
we were more about depowering glam

when glam took over there were promices of ning wont change etc
but ning stopped being ning shortly after

so the factthat your 4 guys we can talk to directly ..who take our ideas seriously..

im overjoyed
still confused and struggling to learn the new system
but overjoyed that ya are what ya are

and hey tell douglas that
well i love designing i decided not to put my fantastalastic skin on the marketplace just cause i want mine to be 1 of a kind

that and when i code i didnt bother putting css in the right files or in an easy to read format i started to but then everythinjg just went into site.css
and then was planning when done to combine all css into 1 file and minimize for speed
i tend to write it semi minimized anyway

if he likes my skin when its done and wants to take it and modify it enough that my site stays unique that would be cool
(and if hes willing to profit share thats even better)
if u ever login and look around on my ning 3.0 ww3.dreadlockssite.com you'll see how much attention i put into evry tiny detail

as long as he alters it enough so my site stays unique im happy to help out

on ning there was alotta talk about how they thought the default free out of the box skins looked so dated and not impressive but i showed them what i did with elastic in a single day and they were very impressed

im waiting on a fully imported site to finnish off the design
but it was fun and easy to create that

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM
