im making progress figuring everything out but im confused on a few things with quotas and after watching the vids and reading the documentation im still confused
1st off it says 'some quotas can be signed up to directly, others need to be assigned to by an admin" and in the vid they show making a new users experienced users etc quotas
but thats as far as the explanations went
so heres the situations i want to figure out how to do
1 i want profile questions that if they want to sell digital goods like music they get added (autonaticly i hope) to 1 quota if they want to sell crafts to another if they want to sell bundles to another if all 3 to another how do profile questions then add the profiles to quotas
the next situation i want is like you had new members who are restricted
but then become full unrestricted members after some conditions met
like number of days since joining or after a number of days and uploading a profile pictutre
or whatever
the point is im trying to figure out how members can be added or moved between quotas without admin interactions
cause as an admin im not planning on mamually moving every member from new to full member
and id like them to be able to sign up for the shoops at profile creation time
now that i think about it ..we have high ethical standards for what we alow in suhops so id want approval on items for the 1st 30 days the shops up
i know ill need multiple quotas to accomplish this what i dont know is how to accomplish the quouta manipulation automaticly by profile questionsd and/or time
without causing an absolute nightmare where i need 20 addmins just to handle that
as ut is now with 14,000 members i have 6 admins i think.. but i do 99.9% of the admining myself the other 6 are just there for when im away or miss something
so to recap
how do i add profiles to specific quotas based on profile questions
and how do i have them automaticly change quotas based on conditions like time
from the info ive seen it seems like both are possible just been searching for 2 hours and cannot find out how
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM