ill start off by saying this is my 1st attempt at using smarty to edit a template
i know it will get easier with practice but with a lil searching code comparing and braindead sleep deprived detective work (almost didnt want to give up trying i was so close )
i created a image upload field in the profile customization form and gave it the name profile_cover (note added profile tweaks already for profile background and logo)
now calling in the image made my head pound since id never worked with smarty before but peice by peice it started to come together
1st i was thinking i had to edit the templates with the template button on the profile customization thingy but no divs matched up so wentto the skin itself and found the right template tried multiple codes that gave screwy results finaly a lil searching and comparing and figuring out how it afected the url structure i managed to get this far
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="Profile" type="profile_cover" item_id=$_profile_id}
the url of the image is
but my code only gets ne as far as
where this comes from /_v=1415322228
i cant guess or figure out
but hey pretty damn proud of myself for figuring out as much as i did so far
(granted i did snag code from a forum post to deconstruct and reconstruct)
when u tell me the last peice of the puzzle can you also explain how to find it
i hate asking newb questions and want to learn this as i build the site
(poking around i did get a lil sence ofhow modules are made but will have to really study it when ive slept a bit)
in fact that will be my 1st project tomorow ..learn the smarty basics
so where oh where can i figure out where this came from /_v=1415322228
oh and right niw jhust trying to get tye image to display at all but i really want it as a background so can this be added to a inline style
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM