Hi Paul,
Further to your Ning Creators post ( http://creators.ning.com/forum/topics/contingency-planning-what-s-yours=show?commentId=6651893%3AComment%3A1291930&xg_source=msg_com_forum), I'd be interested in trying out groups, although I'm not migrating from Ning (yet), just before I setup 25,000 profiles! At least, I'd love to know what they feature - I guess my holy grail is image galleries that users can add photos to. Unless I'm missing something, once a gallery is created in a Jamroom profile, only the Creator can add to it.
This is something that is possible in Ning 3.0, so might have to be able to be dealt with anyway....
updated by @iamtimbo: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM